Study Guides and Printable Activities


Here is the link for the Lesson 9 review activities on Quizlet.





Vocabulary review Lesson 8




Here is the link for the Spelling and Vocabulary review fro Lesson 6 on my Quizlet page. Remember that practice makes perfect. ;)

Spelling List

Vocabulary List








Dear 4th graders, 

Here is the 1st Study Guide for both Grammar and Science. The evaluations will be as follows:

Wednesday October 17th - Grammar

Thursday October 18th- Science

Friday October 19th- Writing Source Sentence Folder will be due.


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Fourth Grade Study Guide-1st Period


Grammar and Writing: Wednesday, October 17th.


Improve sentences.

Sentences need to flow smoothly. Different lengths and kinds of sentences create a rhythm and style.

Improve sentences by:

-        Vary sentence length

-        Vary sentence types (Interrogative, declarative, imperative, and exclamatory)

-        Use different beginnings

-        Conjunctions


Correct a paragraph with mistakes. Use of proofreading marks.

These are rules for written language. Signals that help readers understand writing.

For example: Begin a sentence with a capital letter and end it with punctuation. Indent paragraphs. Grammar and spelling follow rules.

Proofreading Marks

-        Capital letter

-        Lowercase letter

-        Correct spelling

-        Adding Punctuation

-        Add something

-        Remove something


Subject and Predicate

Subject is the word or group of words that tells whom or what the sentence is about. The simple subject is the main noun or pronoun in the complete subject.

Predicate is the word or group of words that tell something about the subject. The simple predicate is the verb in the complete predicate.

For Example:

The train arrived in the station.

Complete Subject: The train                                    Simple Subject: train

Complete Predicate: arrived in the station.                       Simple Predicate: arrived


Declarative:    Give information.      I am Sam.

Interrogative: Ask for information.  Where do you live?

Exclamatory:  Express feeling.                     I love you!

Imperative:     Give order.                 Open the door.


Simple Sentences express one complete thought.

Example: The young girl was scared.

Compound Sentences contain two simple sentences joined by a comma and a Conjunction (connecting word).

Example: The young girl was scared, and she hugged her brother.

Conjunctions such as or, for, and, nor, but, yet, or so.

Subject-verb Agreement the subject of a sentence must match the verb. A singular subject needs a singular verb. Plural subjects need a plural verb

Examples: Daisy plays the violin.

                    Jim and Tom play guitars.

Singular and Plural Nouns A plural noun names more than one person, place or thing. How do you make a plural noun?

Add –s


Add -es

Ship, ships

Key, keys

Bush, bushes

Fox, foxes

Change y to i, add –es


Change f to v, add -es

City, cities


Self, selves


Common and Proper Nouns A noun is a word that names a person place or thing. A common noun names any person, place, or thing. A proper noun names a particular person, place, or thing. Capitalize proper nouns.

Example:  common nouns   man, girl, dog

                    Proper nouns       Michael, Rosa, Snoopy


Sentences: Write Source Folder

·       Identifying complete thoughts as sentences.

·       Recognizing simple and compound subjects and predicates

·       Using different kinds of verbs

·       Subject-verb agreement

·       Using adjectives and adverbs

·       Developing different kinds of sentences

·       Recognizing and correcting sentence problems

Review Activities on my Quizlet page:


Brain and the Senses

Thursday, October 18th.

The Brain

-        The brain is the center of the nervous system.

-        The brain controls autonomic and voluntary activities.

-        The 3 main parts of the brain are: cerebrum, cerebellum, and brain stem (medulla).

-Cerebrum: Largest part of your brain. Allows us to speak, remember things, solve problems, and helps us use our five senses.

- Cerebellum: It controls balance, posture, and coordination.

- Brain Stem: It connects the cerebrum with the spinal cord. It controls digestion, heartbeat, breathing, body temperature, and other important body functions.


The Five Senses


-        The eye is the main sight organ.

-        Iris is the colored tissue behind the cornea.

-        The optic nerve sends a picture to the brain.

-        The information for the nervous system comes from the sensory organ.

-        Braille is a system of raised dots that are used by the blind to read.



-        4,000 different types of smell

-        Animals have a better sense of smell than humans

-        The first sense that a baby develops is smell.

-        The first smell that we lose when we get old is smell.

-        The purpose of the nose hairs is to defend us from harmful germs.

-        Our sense of smell helps us recognize tastes.



-        The five sensations that touch senses are: touch, pain, pressure, hot, and cold.

-        The skin is the largest sensory organ. It helps keep our body at the right temperature.

-        The special nerve endings are mostly found on the skin cells and they are in charge of sending messages to the brain.

-        Some areas are more sensitive than others.

-        Referred pain is when you feel pain somewhere other than the place that the body is hurt.



-        The main organ for hearing is the ear.

-        The job of the outer ear is to collect sounds and to produce ear wax which protects the ear canal from infections by filtering bacteria.

-        The eardrum is the membrane that the sound waves strike inside the ear.

-        The 3 small bones inside your era are: hammer, anvil, and stirrup. They have this name because of their shapes.



-        The tiny receptors on your tongue are called taste buds and there are about 10,000 of them.

-        The roof of your mouth is called a palate.

-        Kinds of taste that we recognize are: sweet, bitter, sour, and salty.